Ruby Hacking Guide

Chapter 14: Context

The range covered by this chapter is really broad. First of all, I’ll describe about how the internal state of the evaluator is expressed. After that, as an actual example, we’ll read how the state is changed on a class definition statement. Subsequently, we’ll examine how the internal state influences method definition statements. Lastly, we’ll observe how the both statements change the behaviors of the variable definitions and the variable references.

The Ruby stack

Context and Stack

With an image of a typical procedural language, each time calling a procedure, the information which is necessary to execute the procedure such as the local variable space and the place to return is stored in a struct (a stack frame) and it is pushed on the stack. When returning from a procedure, the struct which is on the top of the stack is popped and the state is returned to the previous method. The executing image of a C program which was explained at Chapter 5: Garbage collection is a perfect example.

What to be careful about here is, what is changing during the execution is only the stack, on the contrary, the program remains unchanged wherever it is. For example, if it is “a reference to the local variable i”, there’s just an order of “give me i of the current frame”, it is not written as “give me i of that frame”. In other words, “only” the state of the stack influences the consequence. This is why, even if a procedure is called anytime and any number of times, we only have to write its code once (Fig. 1).

figure 1: What is changing is only the stack
figure 1: What is changing is only the stack

The execution of Ruby is also basically nothing but chained calls of methods which are procedures, so essentially it has the same image as above. In other words, with the same code, things being accessed such as local variable scope and the block local scope will be changing. And these kind of scopes are expressed by stacks.

However in Ruby, for instance, you can temporarily go back to the scope previously used by using iterators or Proc. This cannot be implemented with just simply pushing/popping a stack. Therefore the frames of the Ruby stack will be intricately rearranged during execution. Although I call it “stack”, it could be better to consider it as a list.

Other than the method call, the local variable scope can also be changed on the class definitions. So, the method calls does not match the transitions of the local variable scope. Since there are also blocks, it’s necessary to handle them separately. For these various reasons, surprisingly, there are seven stacks.

Stack Pointer Stack Frame Type Description
ruby_frame struct FRAME the records of method calls
ruby_scope struct SCOPE the local variable scope
ruby_block struct BLOCK the block scope
ruby_iter struct iter whether or not the current FRAME is an iterator
ruby_class VALUE the class to define methods on
ruby_cref NODE (NODE_CREF) the class nesting information

C has only one stack and Ruby has seven stacks, by simple arithmetic, the executing image of Ruby is at least seven times more complicated than C. But it is actually not seven times at all, it’s at least twenty times more complicated.

First, I’ll briefly describe about these stacks and their stack frame structs. The defined file is either eval.c or evn.h. Basically these stack frames are touched only by eval.c … is what it should be if it were possible, but gc.c needs to know the struct types when marking, so some of them are exposed in env.h.

Of course, marking could be done in the other file but gc.c, but it requires separated functions which cause slowing down. The ordinary programs had better not care about such things, but both the garbage collector and the core of the evaluator is the ruby’s biggest bottleneck, so it’s quite worth to optimize even for just one method call.


ruby_frame is a stack to record method calls. The stack frame struct is struct FRAME. This terminology is a bit confusing but please be aware that I’ll distinctively write it just a frame when it means a “stack frame” as a general noun and FRAME when it means struct FRAME.

▼ `ruby_frame`

  16  extern struct FRAME {
  17      VALUE self;          /* self */
  18      int argc;            /* the argument count */
  19      VALUE *argv;         /* the array of argument values */
  20      ID last_func;        /* the name of this FRAME (when called) */
  21      ID orig_func;        /* the name of this FRAME (when defined) */
  22      VALUE last_class;    /* the class of last_func's receiver */
  23      VALUE cbase;         /* the base point for searching constants and class variables */
  24      struct FRAME *prev;
  25      struct FRAME *tmp;   /* to protect from GC. this will be described later */
  26      struct RNode *node;  /* the file name and the line number of the currently executed line. */
  27      int iter;            /* is this called with a block? */
  28      int flags;           /* the below two */
  29  } *ruby_frame;

  33  #define FRAME_ALLOCA 0   /* FRAME is allocated on the machine stack */
  34  #define FRAME_MALLOC 1   /* FRAME is allocated by malloc */


First af all, since there’s the prev member, you can infer that the stack is made of a linked list. (Fig.2)

figure 2: `ruby_frame`
figure 2: ruby_frame

The fact that ruby_xxxx points to the top stack frame is common to all stacks and won’t be mentioned every time.

The first member of the struct is self. There is also self in the arguments of rb_eval(), but why this struct remembers another self ? This is for the C-level functions. More precisely, it’s for rb_call_super() that is corresponding to super. In order to execute super, it requires the receiver of the current method, but the caller side of rb_call_super() could not have such information. However, the chain of rb_eval() is interrupted before the time when the execution of the user-defined C code starts. Therefore, the conclusion is that there need a way to obtain the information of self out of nothing. And, FRAME is the right place to store it.

Thinking a little further, It’s mysterious that there are argc and argv. Because parameter variables are local variables after all, it is unnecessary to preserve the given arguments after assigning them into the local variable with the same names at the beginning of the method, isn’t it? Then, what is the use of them ? The answer is that this is actually for super again. In Ruby, when calling super without any arguments, the values of the parameter variables of the method will be passed to the method of the superclass. Thus, (the local variable space for) the parameter variables must be reserved.

Additionally, the difference between last_func and orig_func will come out in the cases like when the method is alias ed. For instance,

class C
  def orig() end
  alias ali orig

in this case, last_func=ali and orig_func=orig. Not surprisingly, these members also have to do with super.


ruby_scope is the stack to represent the local variable scope. The method and class definition statements, the module definition statements and the singleton class definition statements, all of them are different scopes. The stack frame struct is struct SCOPE. I’ll call this frame SCOPE.

▼ `ruby_scope`

  36  extern struct SCOPE {
  37      struct RBasic super;
  38      ID *local_tbl;        /* an array of the local variable names */
  39      VALUE *local_vars;    /* the space to store local variables */
  40      int flags;            /* the below four */
  41  } *ruby_scope;

  43  #define SCOPE_ALLOCA  0         /* local_vars is allocated by alloca */
  44  #define SCOPE_MALLOC  1         /* local_vars is allocated by malloc */
  45  #define SCOPE_NOSTACK 2         /* POP_SCOPE is done  */
  46  #define SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE 4    /* Proc is created with this SCOPE */


Since the first element is struct RBasic, this is a Ruby object. This is in order to handle Proc objects. For example, let’s try to think about the case like this:

def make_counter
  lvar = 0
  return { lvar += 1 }

cnt = make_counter()
p    # 1
p    # 2
p    # 3
cnt = nil  # cut the reference. The created Proc finally becomes unnecessary here.

The Proc object created by this method will persist longer than the method that creates it. And, because the Proc can refer to the local variable lvar, the local variables must be preserved until the Proc will disappear. Thus, if it were not handled by the garbage collector, no one can determine the time to free.

There are two reasons why struct SCOPE is separated from struct FRAME. Firstly, the things like class definition statements are not method calls but create distinct local variable scopes. Secondly, when a called method is defined in C the Ruby’s local variable space is unnecessary.


struct BLOCK is the real body of a Ruby’s iterator block or a Proc object, it is also kind of a snapshot of the evaluator at some point. This frame will also be briefly written as BLOCK as in the same manner as FRAME and SCOPE.

▼ `ruby_block`

 580  static struct BLOCK *ruby_block;

 559  struct BLOCK {
 560      NODE *var;               /* the block parameters(mlhs) */
 561      NODE *body;              /* the code of the block body */
 562      VALUE self;              /* the self when this BLOCK is created */
 563      struct FRAME frame;      /* the copy of ruby_frame when this BLOCK is created */
 564      struct SCOPE *scope;     /* the ruby_scope when this BLOCK is created */
 565      struct BLOCKTAG *tag;    /* the identity of this BLOCK */
 566      VALUE klass;             /* the ruby_class when this BLOCK is created */
 567      int iter;                /* the ruby_iter when this BLOCK is created */
 568      int vmode;               /* the scope_vmode when this BLOCK is created */
 569      int flags;               /* BLOCK_D_SCOPE, BLOCK_DYNAMIC */
 570      struct RVarmap *dyna_vars;   /* the block local variable space */
 571      VALUE orig_thread;       /* the thread that creates this BLOCK */
 572      VALUE wrapper;           /* the ruby_wrapper when this BLOCK is created */
 573      struct BLOCK *prev;
 574  };

 553  struct BLOCKTAG {
 554      struct RBasic super;
 555      long dst;                /* destination, that is, the place to return */
 556      long flags;              /* BLOCK_DYNAMIC, BLOCK_ORPHAN */
 557  };

 576  #define BLOCK_D_SCOPE 1      /* having distinct block local scope */
 577  #define BLOCK_DYNAMIC 2      /* BLOCK was taken from a Ruby program */
 578  #define BLOCK_ORPHAN  4      /* the FRAME that creates this BLOCK has finished */


Note that frame is not a pointer. This is because the entire content of struct FRAME will be all copied and preserved. The entire struct FRAME is (for better performance) allocated on the machine stack, but BLOCK could persist longer than the FRAME that creates it, the preservation is a preparation for that case.

Additionally, struct BLOCKTAG is separated in order to detect the same block when multiple Proc objects are created from the block. The Proc objects which were created from the one same block have the same BLOCKTAG.


The stack ruby_iter indicates whether currently calling method is an iterator (whether it is called with a block). The frame is struct iter. But for consistency I’ll call it ITER.

▼ `ruby_iter`

 767  static struct iter *ruby_iter;

 763  struct iter {
 764      int iter;           /* the below three */
 765      struct iter *prev;
 766  };

 769  #define ITER_NOT 0      /* the currently evaluated method is not an iterator */
 770  #define ITER_PRE 1      /* the method which is going to be evaluated next is an iterator */
 771  #define ITER_CUR 2      /* the currently evaluated method is an iterator */

Although for each method we can determine whether it is an iterator or not, there’s another struct that is distinct from struct FRAME. Why?

It’s obvious you need to inform it to the method when “it is an iterator”, but you also need to inform the fact when “it is not an iterator”. However, pushing a whole BLOCK just for this is very heavy. It will also cause that in the caller side the procedures such as variable references would needlessly increase. Thus, it’s better to push the smaller and lighter ITER instead of BLOCK. This will be discussed in detail in Chapter 16: Blocks.


The block local variable space. The frame struct is struct RVarmap that has already seen in Part 2. From now on, I’ll call it just VARS.

▼ `struct RVarmap`

  52  struct RVarmap {
  53      struct RBasic super;
  54      ID id;                  /* the name  of the variable */
  55      VALUE val;              /* the value of the variable */
  56      struct RVarmap *next;
  57  };


Note that a frame is not a single struct RVarmap but a list of the structs (Fig.3). And each frame is corresponding to a local variable scope. Since it corresponds to “local variable scope” and not “block local variable scope”, for instance, even if blocks are nested, only a single list is used to express. The break between blocks are similar to the one of the parser, it is expressed by a RVarmap (header) whose id is 0. Details are deferred again. It will be explained in Chapter 16: Blocks.

figure 3: `ruby_dyna_vars`
figure 3: ruby_dyna_vars


ruby_class represents the current class to which a method is defined. Since self will be that class when it’s a normal class definition statement, ruby_class == self. But, when it is the top level or in the middle of particular methods like eval and instance_eval, self != ruby_class is possible.

The frame of ruby_class is a simple VALUE and there’s no particular frame struct. Then, how could it be like a stack? Moreover, there were many structs without the prev pointer, how could these form a stack? The answer is deferred to the next section.

From now on, I’ll call this frame CLASS.


ruby_cref represents the information of the nesting of a class. I’ll call this frame CREF with the same way of naming as before. Its struct is …

▼ `ruby_cref`

 847  static NODE *ruby_cref = 0;


… surprisingly NODE. This is used just as a “defined struct which can be pointed by a VALUE”. The node type is NODE_CREF and the assignments of its members are shown below:

Union Member Macro To Access Usage
u1.value nd_clss the outer class (VALUE)
u2 - -
u3.node nd_next preserve the previous CREF

Even though the member name is nd_next, the value it actually has is the “previous (prev)” CREF. Taking the following program as an example, I’ll explain the actual appearance.

class A
  class B
    class C
      nil   # (A)

Fig.4 shows how ruby_cref is when evaluating the code (A).

figure 4: `ruby_cref`
figure 4: ruby_cref

However, illustrating this image everytime is tedious and its intention becomes unclear. Therefore, the same state as Fig.4 will be expressed in the following notation:

A ← B ← C

PUSH / POP Macros

For each stack frame struct, the macros to push and pop are available. For instance, PUSH_FRAME and POP_FRAME for FRAME. Because these will appear in a moment, I’ll then explain the usage and content.

The other states

While they are not so important as the main stacks, the evaluator of ruby has the several other states. This is a brief list of them. However, some of them are not stacks. Actually, most of them are not.

Variable Name Type Meaning
scope_vmode int the default visibility when a method is defined
ruby_in_eval int whether or not parsing after the evaluation is started
ruby_current_node NODE* the file name and the line number of what currently being evaluated
ruby_safe_level int $SAFE
ruby_errinfo VALUE the exception currently being handled
ruby_wrapper VALUE the wrapper module to isolate the environment

Module Definition

The class statement and the module statement and the singleton class definition statement, they are all implemented in similar ways.

Because seeing similar things continuously three times is not interesting, this time let’s examine the module statement which has the least elements (thus, is simple).

First of all, what is the module statement? Conversely, what should happen is the module statement ? Let’s try to list up several features:

What is the way to achieve these things? … is the point of this section. Now, let’s start to look at the codes.


▼The Source Program

module M
  a = 1

▼Its Syntax Tree

nd_cname = 9621 (M)
    nd_rval = (null)
    nd_tbl = 3 [ _ ~ a ]
        nd_cnt = 2
            nd_lit = 1:Fixnum

nd_cname seems the module name. cname is probably either Const NAME or Class NAME. I dumped several things and found that there’s always NODE_SCOPE in nd_body. Since its member nd_tbl holds a local variable table and its name is similar to struct SCOPE, it appears certain that this NODE_SCOPE plays an important role to create a local variable scope.


Let’s examine the handler of NODE_MODULE of rb_eval(). The parts that are not close to the main line, such as ruby_raise() and error handling were cut drastically. So far, there have been a lot of cutting works for 200 pages, it has already became unnecessary to show the original code.

▼ `rb_eval()` − `NODE_MODULE` (simplified)

      VALUE module;

      if (rb_const_defined_at(ruby_class, node->nd_cname)) {
          /* just obtain the already created module */
          module = rb_const_get(ruby_class, node->nd_cname);
      else {
          /* create a new module and set it into the constant */
          module = rb_define_module_id(node->nd_cname);
          rb_const_set(ruby_cbase, node->nd_cname, module);

      result = module_setup(module, node->nd_body);

First, we’d like to make sure the module is nested and defined above (the module holded by) ruby_class. We can understand it from the fact that it calls ruby_const_xxxx() on ruby_class. Just once ruby_cbase appears, but it is usually identical to ruby_class, so we can ignore it. Even if they are different, it rarely causes a problem.

The first half, it is branching by if because it needs to check if the module has already been defined. This is because, in Ruby, we can do “additional” definitions on the same one module any number of times.

module M
  def a    # M#a is deifned
module M   # add a definition (not re-defining or overwriting)
  def b    # M#b is defined

In this program, the two methods, a and b, will be defined on the module M.

In this case, on the second definition of M the module M was already set to the constant, just obtaining and using it would be sufficient. If the constant M does not exist yet, it means the first definition and the module is created (by rb_define_module_id() )

Lastly, module_setup() is the function executing the body of a module statement. Not only the module statements but the class statements and the singleton class statements are executed by module_setup(). This is the reason why I said “all of these three type of statements are similar things”. For now, I’d like you to note that node->nd_body (NODE_SCOPE) is passed as an argument.


For the module and class and singleton class statements, module_setup() executes their bodies. Finally, the Ruby stack manipulations will appear in large amounts.

▼ `module_setup()`

3424  static VALUE
3425  module_setup(module, n)
3426      VALUE module;
3427      NODE *n;
3428  {
3429      NODE * volatile node = n;
3430      int state;
3431      struct FRAME frame;
3432      VALUE result;               /* OK */
3433      TMP_PROTECT;
3435      frame = *ruby_frame;
3436      frame.tmp = ruby_frame;
3437      ruby_frame = &frame;
3439      PUSH_CLASS();
3440      ruby_class = module;
3441      PUSH_SCOPE();
3442      PUSH_VARS();
          /* (A)ruby_scope->local_vars initialization */
3444      if (node->nd_tbl) {
3445          VALUE *vars = TMP_ALLOC(node->nd_tbl[0]+1);
3446          *vars++ = (VALUE)node;
3447          ruby_scope->local_vars = vars;
3448          rb_mem_clear(ruby_scope->local_vars, node->nd_tbl[0]);
3449          ruby_scope->local_tbl = node->nd_tbl;
3450      }
3451      else {
3452          ruby_scope->local_vars = 0;
3453          ruby_scope->local_tbl  = 0;
3454      }
3456      PUSH_CREF(module);
3457      ruby_frame->cbase = (VALUE)ruby_cref;
3458      PUSH_TAG(PROT_NONE);
3459      if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) {
3460          if (trace_func) {
3461              call_trace_func("class", ruby_current_node, ruby_class,
3462                              ruby_frame->last_func,
3463                              ruby_frame->last_class);
3464          }
3465          result = rb_eval(ruby_class, node->nd_next);
3466      }
3467      POP_TAG();
3468      POP_CREF();
3469      POP_VARS();
3470      POP_SCOPE();
3471      POP_CLASS();
3473      ruby_frame = frame.tmp;
3474      if (trace_func) {
3475          call_trace_func("end", ruby_last_node, 0,
3476                          ruby_frame->last_func, ruby_frame->last_class);
3477      }
3478      if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);
3480      return result;
3481  }


This is too big to read all in one gulp. Let’s cut the parts that seems unnecessary.

First, the parts around trace_func can be deleted unconditionally.

We can see the idioms related to tags. Let’s simplify them by expressing with the Ruby’s ensure.

Immediately after the start of the function, the argument n is purposefully assigned to the local variable node, but volatile is attached to node and it would never be assigned after that, thus this is to prevent from being garbage collected. If we assume that the argument was node from the beginning, it would not change the meaning.

In the first half of the function, there’s the part manipulating ruby_frame complicatedly. It is obviously paired up with the part ruby_frame = frame.tmp in the last half. We’ll focus on this part later, but for the time being this can be considered as push pop of ruby_frame.

Plus, it seems that the code (A) can be, as commented, summarized as the initialization of ruby_scope->local_vars. This will be discussed later.

Consequently, it could be summarized as follows:

▼ `module_setup` (simplified)

static VALUE
module_setup(module, node)
    VALUE module;
    NODE *node;
    struct FRAME frame;
    VALUE result;

    push FRAME
    ruby_class = module;
    ruby_scope->local_vars initializaion
    ruby_frame->cbase = (VALUE)ruby_cref;
        result = rb_eval(ruby_class, node->nd_next);
        pop FRAME
    return result;

It does rb_eval() with node->nd_next, so it’s certain that this is the code of the module body. The problems are about the others. There are 5 points to see.

Let’s investigate them in order.

Creating a local variable scope

PUSH_SCOPE pushes a local variable space and PUSH_VARS() pushes a block local variable space, thus a new local variable scope is created by these two. Let’s examine the contents of these macros and what is done.


 852  #define PUSH_SCOPE() do {               \
 853      volatile int _vmode = scope_vmode;  \
 854      struct SCOPE * volatile _old;       \
 855      NEWOBJ(_scope, struct SCOPE);       \
 856      OBJSETUP(_scope, 0, T_SCOPE);       \
 857      _scope->local_tbl = 0;              \
 858      _scope->local_vars = 0;             \
 859      _scope->flags = 0;                  \
 860      _old = ruby_scope;                  \
 861      ruby_scope = _scope;                \
 862      scope_vmode = SCOPE_PUBLIC

 869  #define POP_SCOPE()                                      \
 870      if (ruby_scope->flags & SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE) {        \
 871         if (_old) scope_dup(_old);                        \
 872      }                                                    \
 873      if (!(ruby_scope->flags & SCOPE_MALLOC)) {           \
 874          ruby_scope->local_vars = 0;                      \
 875          ruby_scope->local_tbl  = 0;                      \
 876          if (!(ruby_scope->flags & SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE) && \
 877              ruby_scope != top_scope) {                   \
 878              rb_gc_force_recycle((VALUE)ruby_scope);      \
 879          }                                                \
 880      }                                                    \
 881      ruby_scope->flags |= SCOPE_NOSTACK;                  \
 882      ruby_scope = _old;                                   \
 883      scope_vmode = _vmode;                                \
 884  } while (0)


As the same as tags, SCOPE s also create a stack by being synchronized with the machine stack. What differentiate slightly is that the spaces of the stack frames are allocated in the heap, the machine stack is used in order to create the stack structure (Fig.5.).

figure 5: The machine stack and the SCOPE Stack
figure 5: The machine stack and the SCOPE Stack

Additionally, the flags like SCOPE_ something repeatedly appearing in the macros are not able to be explained until I finish to talk all about in what form each stack frame is remembered and about blocks. Thus, these will be discussed in Chapter 16: Blocks all at once.

Allocating the local variable space

As I mentioned many times, the local variable scope is represented by struct SCOPE. But struct SCOPE is literally a “scope” and it does not have the real body to store local variables. To put it more precisely, it has the pointer to a space but there’s still no array at the place where the one points to. The following part of module_setup prepares the array.

▼The preparation of the local variable slots

3444  if (node->nd_tbl) {
3445      VALUE *vars = TMP_ALLOC(node->nd_tbl[0]+1);
3446      *vars++ = (VALUE)node;
3447      ruby_scope->local_vars = vars;
3448      rb_mem_clear(ruby_scope->local_vars, node->nd_tbl[0]);
3449      ruby_scope->local_tbl = node->nd_tbl;
3450  }
3451  else {
3452      ruby_scope->local_vars = 0;
3453      ruby_scope->local_tbl  = 0;
3454  }


The TMP_ALLOC() at the beginning will be described in the next section. If I put it shortly, it is “alloca that is assured to allocate on the stack (therefore, we do not need to worry about GC)”.

node->nd_tbl holds in fact the local variable name table that has appeared in Chapter 12: Syntax tree construction. It means that nd_tbl[0] contains the table size and the rest is an array of ID. This table is directly preserved to local_tbl of SCOPE and local_vars is allocated to store the local variable values. Because they are confusing, it’s a good thing writing some comments such as “This is the variable name”, “this is the value”. The one with tbl is for the names.

figure 6: `ruby_scope->local_vars`
figure 6: ruby_scope->local_vars

Where is this node used? I examined the all local_vars members but could not find the access to index -1 in eval.c. Expanding the range of files to investigate, I found the access in gc.c.

▼ `rb_gc_mark_children()` — `T_SCOPE`

 815  case T_SCOPE:
 816    if (obj->as.scope.local_vars &&
            (obj->as.scope.flags & SCOPE_MALLOC)) {
 817        int n = obj->as.scope.local_tbl[0]+1;
 818        VALUE *vars = &obj->as.scope.local_vars[-1];
 820        while (n--) {
 821            rb_gc_mark(*vars);
 822            vars++;
 823        }
 824    }
 825    break;


Apparently, this is a mechanism to protect node from GC. But why is it necessary to to mark it here? node is purposefully store into the volatile local variable, so it would not be garbage-collected during the execution of module_setup().

Honestly speaking, I was thinking it might merely be a mistake for a while but it turned out it’s actually very important. The issue is this at the next line of the next line:

▼ `ruby_scope->local_tbl`

3449  ruby_scope->local_tbl = node->nd_tbl;


The local variable name table prepared by the parser is directly used. When is this table freed? It’s the time when the node become not to be referred from anywhere. Then, when should node be freed? It’s the time after the SCOPE assigned on this line will disappear completely. Then, when is that?

SCOPE sometimes persists longer than the statement that causes the creation of it. As it will be discussed at Chapter 16: Blocks, if a Proc object is created, it refers SCOPE. Thus, If module_setup() has finished, the SCOPE created there is not necessarily be what is no longer used. That’s why it’s not sufficient that node is only referred from (the stack frame of) module_setup(). It must be referred “directly” from SCOPE.

On the other hand, the volatile node of the local variable cannot be removed. Without it, node is floating on air until it will be assigned to local_vars.

However then, local_vars of SCOPE is not safe, isn’t it? TMP_ALLOC() is, as I mentioned, the allocation on the stack, it becomes invalid at the time module_setup() ends. This is in fact, at the moment when Proc is created, the allocation method is abruptly switched to malloc(). Details will be described in Chapter 16: Blocks.

Lastly, rb_mem_clear() seems zero-filling but actually it is Qnil -filling to an array of VALUE (array.c). By this, all defined local variables are initialized as nil.


Next, let’s read TMP_ALLOC that allocates the local variable space. This macro is actually paired with TMP_PROTECT existing silently at the beginning of module_setup(). Its typical usage is this:

VALUE *ptr;

ptr = TMP_ALLOC(size);

The reason why TMP_PROTECT is in the place for the local variable definitions is that … Let’s see its definition.


1769  #ifdef C_ALLOCA
1770  # define TMP_PROTECT NODE * volatile tmp__protect_tmp=0
1771  # define TMP_ALLOC(n) \
1772      (tmp__protect_tmp = rb_node_newnode(NODE_ALLOCA,                 \
1773                               ALLOC_N(VALUE,n), tmp__protect_tmp, n), \
1774       (void*)tmp__protect_tmp->nd_head)
1775  #else
1776  # define TMP_PROTECT typedef int foobazzz
1777  # define TMP_ALLOC(n) ALLOCA_N(VALUE,n)
1778  #endif


… it is because it defines a local variable.

As described in Chapter 5: Garbage collection, in the environment of #ifdef C_ALLOCA (that is, the native alloca() does not exist) malloca() is used to emulate alloca(). However, the arguments of a method are obviously VALUE s and the GC could not find a VALUE if it is stored in the heap. Therefore, it is enforced that GC can find it through NODE.

figure 7: anchor the space to the stack through `NODE`
figure 7: anchor the space to the stack through NODE

On the contrary, in the environment with the true alloca(), we can naturally use alloca() and there’s no need to use TMP_PROTECT. Thus, a harmless statement is arbitrarily written.

By the way, why do they want to use alloca() very much by all means. It’s merely because “ alloca() is faster than malloc()”, they said. One can think that it’s not so worth to care about such tiny difference, but because the core of the evaluator is the biggest bottleneck of ruby, … the same as above.

Changing the place to define methods on.

The value of the stack ruby_class is the place to define a method on at the time. Conversely, if one push a value to ruby_class, it changes the class to define a method on. This is exactly what is necessary for a class statement. Therefore, It’s also necessary to do PUSH_CLASS() in module_setup(). Here is the code for it:

ruby_class = module;

Why is there the assignment to ruby_class after doing PUSH_CLASS(). We can understand it unexpectedly easily by looking at the definition.


 841  #define PUSH_CLASS() do { \
 842      VALUE _class = ruby_class

 844  #define POP_CLASS() ruby_class = _class; \
 845  } while (0)


Because ruby_class is not modified even though PUSH_CLASS is done, it is not actually pushed until setting by hand. Thus, these two are closer to “save and restore” rather than “push and pop”.

You might think that it can be a cleaner macro if passing a class as the argument of PUSH_CLASS() … It’s absolutely true, but because there are some places we cannot obtain the class before pushing, it is in this way.

Nesting Classes

ruby_cref represents the class nesting information at runtime. Therefore, it’s naturally predicted that ruby_cref will be pushed on the module statements or on the class statements. In module_setup(), it is pushed as follows:

ruby_frame->cbase = (VALUE)ruby_cref;

Here, module is the module being defined. Let’s also see the definitions of PUSH_CREF() and POP_CREF().


 849  #define PUSH_CREF(c) \
          ruby_cref = rb_node_newnode(NODE_CREF,(c),0,ruby_cref)
 850  #define POP_CREF() ruby_cref = ruby_cref->nd_next


Unlike PUSH_SCOPE or something, there are not any complicated techniques and it’s very easy to deal with. It’s also not good if there’s completely not any such thing.

The problem remains unsolved is what is the meaning of ruby_frame->cbase. It is the information to refer a class variable or a constant from the current FRAME. Details will be discussed in the last section of this chapter.

Replacing frames

Lastly, let’s focus on the manipulation of ruby_frame. The first thing is its definition:

struct FRAME frame;

It is not a pointer. This means that the entire FRAME is allocated on the stack. Both the management structure of the Ruby stack and the local variable space are on the stack, but in the case of FRAME the entire struct is stored on the stack. The extreme consumption of the machine stack by ruby is the fruit of these “small techniques” piling up.

Then next, let’s look at where doing several things with frame.

frame = *ruby_frame;      /* copy the entire struct */
frame.tmp = ruby_frame;   /* protect the original FRAME from GC */
ruby_frame = &frame;      /* replace ruby_frame */
ruby_frame = frame.tmp;   /* restore */

That is, ruby_frame seems temporarily replaced (not pushing). Why is it doing such thing?

I described that FRAME is “pushed on method calls”, but to be more precise, it is the stack frame to represent “the main environment to execute a Ruby program”. You can infer it from, for instance, ruby_frame->cbase which appeared previously. last_func which is “the last called method name” also suggests it.

Then, why is FRAME not straightforwardly pushed? It is because this is the place where it is not allowed to push FRAME. FRAME is wanted to be pushed, but if FRAME is pushed, it will appear in the backtraces of the program when an exception occurs. The backtraces are things displayed like followings:

% ruby t.rb
t.rb:11:in `c': some error occured (ArgumentError)
        from t.rb:7:in `b'
        from t.rb:3:in `a'
        from t.rb:14

But the module statements and the class statements are not method calls, so it is not desirable to appear in this. That’s why it is “replaced” instead of “pushed”.

The method definition

As the next topic of the module definitions, let’s look at the method definitions.


▼The Source Program

def m(a, b, c)

▼Its Syntax Tree

nd_mid  = 9617 (m)
nd_noex = 2 (NOEX_PRIVATE)
    nd_rval = (null)
    nd_tbl = 5 [ _ ~ a b c ]
        nd_cnt  = 3
        nd_rest = -1
        nd_opt = (null)

I dumped several things and found that there’s always NODE_SCOPE in nd_defn. NODE_SCOPE is, as we’ve seen at the module statements, the node to store the information to push a local variable scope.


Subsequently, we will examine the corresponding code of rb_eval(). This part contains a lot of error handlings and tedious, they are all omitted again. The way of omitting is as usual, deleting the every parts to directly or indirectly call rb_raise() rb_warn() rb_warning().

▼ `rb_eval()` − `NODE_DEFN` (simplified)

NODE *defn;
int noex;

if (SCOPE_TEST(SCOPE_PRIVATE) || node->nd_mid == init) {
    noex = NOEX_PRIVATE;                 A
    noex = NOEX_PROTECTED;               B
else if (ruby_class == rb_cObject) {
    noex =  node->nd_noex;               C
else {
    noex = NOEX_PUBLIC;                  D

defn = copy_node_scope(node->nd_defn, ruby_cref);
rb_add_method(ruby_class, node->nd_mid, defn, noex);
result = Qnil;

In the first half, there are the words like private or protected, so it is probably related to visibility. noex, which is used as the names of flags, seems NOde EXposure. Let’s examine the if statements in order.

(A) SCOPE_TEST() is a macro to check if there’s an argument flag in scope_vmode. Therefore, the first half of this conditional statement means “is it a private scope?”. The last half means “it’s private if this is defining initialize”. The method initialize to initialize an object will unquestionably become private.

(B) It is protected if the scope is protected (not surprisingly). My feeling is that there’re few cases protected is required in Ruby.

==(C)== This is a bug. I found this just before the submission of this book, so I couldn’t fix this beforehand. In the latest code this part is probably already removed. The original intention is to enforce the methods defined at top level to be private.

(D) If it is not any of the above conditions, it is public.

Actually, there’s not a thing to worth to care about until here. The important part is the next two lines.

defn = copy_node_scope(node->nd_defn, ruby_cref);
rb_add_method(ruby_class, node->nd_mid, defn, noex);

copy_node_scope() is a function to copy (only) NODE_SCOPE attached to the top of the method body. It is important that ruby_cref is passed … but details will be described soon.

After copying, the definition is finished by adding it by rb_add_method(). The place to define on is of course ruby_class.


copy_node_scope() is called only from the two places: the method definition (NODE_DEFN) and the singleton method definition (NODE_DEFS) in rb_eval(). Therefore, looking at these two is sufficient to detect how it is used. Plus, the usages at these two places are almost the same.

▼ `copy_node_scope()`

1752  static NODE*
1753  copy_node_scope(node, rval)
1754      NODE *node;
1755      VALUE rval;
1756  {
1757      NODE *copy = rb_node_newnode(NODE_SCOPE,0,rval,node->nd_next);
1759      if (node->nd_tbl) {
1760          copy->nd_tbl = ALLOC_N(ID, node->nd_tbl[0]+1);
1761          MEMCPY(copy->nd_tbl, node->nd_tbl, ID, node->nd_tbl[0]+1);
1762      }
1763      else {
1764          copy->nd_tbl = 0;
1765      }
1766      return copy;
1767  }


I mentioned that the argument rval is the information of the class nesting (ruby_cref) of when the method is defined. Apparently, it is rval because it will be set to nd_rval.

In the main if statement copies nd_tbl of NODE_SCOPE. It is a local variable name table in other words. The +1 at ALLOC_N is to additionally allocate the space for nd_tbl[0]. As we’ve seen in Part 2, nd_tbl[0] holds the local variables count, that was “the actual length of nd_tbl - 1”.

To summarize, copy_node_scope() makes a copy of the NODE_SCOPE which is the header of the method body. However, nd_rval is additionally set and it is the ruby_cref (the class nesting information) of when the class is defined. This information will be used later when referring constants or class variables.


The next thing is rb_add_method() that is the function to register a method entry.

▼ `rb_add_method()`

 237  void
 238  rb_add_method(klass, mid, node, noex)
 239      VALUE klass;
 240      ID mid;
 241      NODE *node;
 242      int noex;
 243  {
 244      NODE *body;
 246      if (NIL_P(klass)) klass = rb_cObject;
 247      if (ruby_safe_level >= 4 &&
              (klass == rb_cObject || !OBJ_TAINTED(klass))) {
 248          rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't define method");
 249      }
 250      if (OBJ_FROZEN(klass)) rb_error_frozen("class/module");
 251      rb_clear_cache_by_id(mid);
 252      body = NEW_METHOD(node, noex);
 253      st_insert(RCLASS(klass)->m_tbl, mid, body);
 254  }


NEW_METHOD() is a macro to create NODE. rb_clear_cache_by_id() is a function to manipulate the method cache. This will be explained in the next chapter “Method”.

Let’s look at the syntax tree which is eventually stored in m_tbl of a class. I prepared nodedump-method for this kind of purposes. (nodedump-method : comes with nodedump. nodedump is tools/nodedump.tar.gz of the attached CD-ROM)

% ruby -e '
class C
  def m(a)
    puts "ok"
require "nodedump-method"
NodeDump.dump C, :m        # dump the method m of the class C
nd_noex = 0 (NOEX_PUBLIC)
nd_cnt = 0
    nd_rval = Object <- C
    nd_tbl = 3 [ _ ~ a ]
        nd_cnt  = 1
        nd_rest = -1
        nd_opt = (null)

** unhandled**

There are NODE_METHOD at the top and NODE_SCOPE previously copied by copy_node_scope() at the next. These probably represent the header of a method. I dumped several things and there’s not any NODE_SCOPE with the methods defined in C, thus it seems to indicate that the method is defined at Ruby level.

Additionally, at nd_tbl of NODE_SCOPE the parameter variable name ( a ) appears. I mentioned that the parameter variables are equivalent to the local variables, and this briefly implies it.

I’ll omit the explanation about NODE_ARGS here because it will be described at the next chapter “Method”.

Lastly, the nd_cnt of the NODE_METHOD, it’s not so necessary to care about this time. It is used when having to do with alias.

Assignment and Reference

Come to think of it, most of the stacks are used to realize a variety of variables. We have learned to push various stacks, this time let’s examine the code to reference variables.

Local variable

The all necessary information to assign or refer local variables has appeared, so you are probably able to predict. There are the following two points:

Therefore, the code for the local variable reference node NODE_LVAR is as follows:

▼ `rb_eval()` − `NODE_LVAR`

2975  case NODE_LVAR:
2976    if (ruby_scope->local_vars == 0) {
2977        rb_bug("unexpected local variable");
2978    }
2979    result = ruby_scope->local_vars[node->nd_cnt];
2980    break;


It goes without saying but node->nd_cnt is the value that local_cnt() of the parser returns.


Complete Specification

In Chapter 6: Variables and constants, I talked about in what form constants are stored and API. Constants are belong to classes and inherited as the same as methods. As for their actual appearances, they are registered to iv_tbl of struct RClass with instance variables and class variables.

The searching path of a constant is firstly the outer class, secondly the superclass, however, rb_const_get() only searches the superclass. Why? To answer this question, I need to reveal the last specification of constants. Take a look at the following code:

class A
  C = 5
    puts C
end is a singleton method of A, so its class is the singleton class (A). If it is interpreted by following the rule, it cannot obtain the constant C which is belongs to A.

But because it is written so close, to become to want refer the constant C is human nature. Therefore, such reference is possible in Ruby. It can be said that this specification reflects the characteristic of Ruby “The emphasis is on the appearance of the source code”.

If I generalize this rule, when referring a constant from inside of a method, by setting the place which the method definition is “written” as the start point, it refers the constant of the outer class. And, “the class of where the method is written” depends on its context, thus it could not be handled without the information from both the parser and the evaluator. This is why rb_cost_get() did not have the searching path of the outer class.


Then, let’s look at the code to refer constants including the outer class. The ordinary constant references to which :: is not attached, become NODE_CONST in the syntax tree. The corresponding code in rb_eval() is …

▼ `rb_eval()` − `NODE_CONST`

2994  case NODE_CONST:
2995    result = ev_const_get(RNODE(ruby_frame->cbase), node->nd_vid, self);
2996    break;


First, nd_vid appears to be Variable ID and it probably means a constant name. And, ruby_frame->cbase is “the class where the method definition is written”. The value will be set when invoking the method, thus the code to set has not appeared yet. And the place where the value to be set comes from is the nd_rval that has appeared in copy_node_scope() of the method definition. I’d like you to go back a little and check that the member holds the ruby_cref of when the method is defined.

This means, first, the ruby_cref link is built when defining a class or a module. Assume that the just defined class is C (Fig.81),

Defining the method m (this is probably C#m ) here, then the current ruby_cref is memorized by the method entry (Fig.82).

After that, when the class statement finished the ruby_cref would start to point another node, but node->nd_rval naturally continues to point to the same thing. (Fig.83)

Then, when invoking the method C#m, get node->nd_rval and insert into the just pushed ruby_frame->cbase (Fig.84)

… This is the mechanism. Complicated.

figure 8: CREF Transfer
figure 8: CREF Transfer


Now, let’s go back to the code of NODE_CONST. Since only ev_const_get() is left, we’ll look at it.

▼ `ev_const_get()`

1550  static VALUE
1551  ev_const_get(cref, id, self)
1552      NODE *cref;
1553      ID id;
1554      VALUE self;
1555  {
1556      NODE *cbase = cref;
1557      VALUE result;
1559      while (cbase && cbase->nd_next) {
1560          VALUE klass = cbase->nd_clss;
1562          if (NIL_P(klass)) return rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(self), id);
1563          if (RCLASS(klass)->iv_tbl &&
                  st_lookup(RCLASS(klass)->iv_tbl, id, &result)) {
1564              return result;
1565          }
1566          cbase = cbase->nd_next;
1567      }
1568      return rb_const_get(cref->nd_clss, id);
1569  }


(( According to the errata, the description of ev_const_get() was wrong. I omit this part for now. ))

Class variable

What class variables refer to is also ruby_cref. Needless to say, unlike the constants which search over the outer classes one after another, it uses only the first element. Let’s look at the code of NODE_CVAR which is the node to refer to a class variable.

What is the cvar_cbase() ? As cbase is attached, it is probably related to ruby_frame->cbase, but how do they differ? Let’s look at it.

▼ `cvar_cbase()`

1571  static VALUE
1572  cvar_cbase()
1573  {
1574      NODE *cref = RNODE(ruby_frame->cbase);
1576      while (cref && cref->nd_next &&
                 FL_TEST(cref->nd_clss, FL_SINGLETON)) {
1577          cref = cref->nd_next;
1578          if (!cref->nd_next) {
1579    rb_warn("class variable access from toplevel singleton method");
1580          }
1581      }
1582      return cref->nd_clss;
1583  }


It traverses cbase up to the class that is not the singleton class, it seems. This feature is added to counter the following kind of code:

class C                           class C
  @@cvar = 1                        @@cvar = 1
  class << C                        def C.m
    def m                             @@cvar
      @@cvar                        end
    end                             def C.m2
    def m2                            @@cvar + @@cvar
      @@cvar + @@cvar               end
    end                           end

Both the left and right code ends up defining the same method, but if you write in the way of the right side it is tedious to write the class name repeatedly as the number of methods increases. Therefore, when defining multiple singleton methods, many people choose to write in the left side way of using the singleton class definition statement to bundle.

However, these two differs in the value of ruby_cref. The one using the singleton class definition is ruby_cref=(C) and the other one defining singleton methods separately is ruby_cref=C. This may cause to differ in the places where class variables refer to, so this is not convenient.

Therefore, assuming it’s rare case to define class variables on singleton classes, it skips over singleton classes. This reflects again that the emphasis is more on the usability rather than the consistency.

And, when the case is a constant reference, since it searches all of the outer classes, C is included in the search path in either way, so there’s no problem. Plus, as for an assignment, since it couldn’t be written inside methods in the first place, it is also not related.

Multiple Assignment

If someone asked “where is the most complicated specification of Ruby?”, I would instantly answer that it is multiple assignment. It is even impossible to understand the big picture of multiple assignment, I have an account of why I think so. In short, the specification of the multiple assignment is defined without even a subtle intention to construct so that the whole specification is well-organized. The basis of the specification is always “the behavior which seems convenient in several typical use cases”. This can be said about the entire Ruby, but particularly about the multiple assignment.

Then, how could we avoid being lost in the jungle of codes. This is similar to reading the stateful scanner and it is not seeing the whole picture. There’s no whole picture in the first place, we could not see it. Cutting the code into blocks like, this code is written for this specification, that code is written for that specification, … understanding the correspondences one by one in such manner is the only way.

But this book is to understand the overall structure of ruby and is not “Advanced Ruby Programming”. Thus, dealing with very tiny things is not fruitful. So here, we only think about the basic structure of multiple assignment and the very simple “multiple-to-multiple” case.

First, following the standard, let’s start with the syntax tree.

▼The Source Program

a, b = 7, 8

▼Its Syntax Tree

        nd_cnt = 2
        nd_cnt = 3
        NODE_ARRAY [
            nd_lit = 7:Fixnum
            nd_lit = 8:Fixnum

Both the left-hand and right-hand sides are the lists of NODE_ARRAY, there’s additionally NODE_REXPAND in the right side. REXPAND may be “Right value EXPAND”. We are curious about what this node is doing. Let’s see.

▼ `rb_eval()` − `NODE_REXPAND`

2575  case NODE_REXPAND:
2576    result = avalue_to_svalue(rb_eval(self, node->nd_head));
2577    break;


You can ignore avalue_to_svalue(). NODE_ARRAY is evaluated by rb_eval(), (because it is the node of the array literal), it is turned into a Ruby array and returned back. So, before the left-hand side is handled, all in the right-hand side are evaluated. This enables even the following code:

a, b = b, a    # swap variables in oneline

Let’s look at NODE_MASGN in the left-hand side.

▼ `rb_eval()` − `NODE_MASGN`

2923  case NODE_MASGN:
2924    result = massign(self, node, rb_eval(self, node->nd_value),0);
2925    break;


Here is only the evaluation of the right-hand side, the rests are delegated to massign().


▼ `massi` ……

3917  static VALUE
3918  massign(self, node, val, pcall)
3919      VALUE self;
3920      NODE *node;
3921      VALUE val;
3922      int pcall;
3923  {


I’m sorry this is halfway, but I’d like you to stop and pay attention to the 4th argument. pcall is Proc CALL, this indicates whether or not the function is used to call Proc object. Between Proc calls and the others there’s a little difference in the strictness of the check of the multiple assignments, so a flag is received to check. Obviously, the value is decided to be either 0 or 1.

Then, I’d like you to look at the previous code calling massign(), it was pcall=0. Therefore, we probably don’t mind if assuming it is pcall=0 for the time being and extracting the variables. That is, when there’s an argument like pcall which is slightly changing the behavior, we always need to consider the two patterns of scenarios, so it is really cumbersome. If there’s only one actual function massign(), to think as if there were two functions, pcall=0 and pcall=1, is way simpler to read.

When writing a program we must avoid duplications as much as possible, but this principle is unrelated if it is when reading. If patterns are limited, copying it and letting it to be redundant is rather the right approach. There are wordings “optimize for speed” “optimize for the code size”, in this case we’ll “optimize for readability”.

So, assuming it is pcall=0 and cutting the codes as much as possible and the final appearance is shown as follows:

▼ `massign()` (simplified)

static VALUE
massign(self, node, val  /* , pcall=0 */)
    VALUE self;
    NODE *node;
    VALUE val;
    NODE *list;
    long i = 0, len;

    val = svalue_to_mvalue(val);
    len = RARRAY(val)->len;
    list = node->nd_head;
    /* (A) */
    for (i=0; list && i<len; i++) {
        assign(self, list->nd_head, RARRAY(val)->ptr[i], pcall);
        list = list->nd_next;
    /* (B) */
    if (node->nd_args) {
        if (node->nd_args == (NODE*)-1) {
            /* no check for mere `*' */
        else if (!list && i<len) {
            assign(self, node->nd_args,
                   rb_ary_new4(len-i, RARRAY(val)->ptr+i), pcall);
        else {
            assign(self, node->nd_args, rb_ary_new2(0), pcall);

    /* (C) */
    while (list) {
        assign(self, list->nd_head, Qnil, pcall);
        list = list->nd_next;
    return val;

val is the right-hand side value. And there’s the suspicious conversion called svalue_to_mvalue(), since mvalue_to_svalue() appeared previously and svalue_to_mvalue() in this time, so you can infer “it must be getting back”. ((errata: it was avalue_to_svalue() in the previous case. Therefore, it’s hard to infer “getting back”, but you can ignore them anyway.)) Thus, the both are deleted. In the next line, since it uses RARRAY(), you can infer that the right-hand side value is an Array of Ruby. Meanwhile, the left-hand side is node->nd_head, so it is the value assigned to the local variable list. This list is also a node (NODE_ARRAY).

We’ll look at the code by clause.

(A) assign is, as the name suggests, a function to perform an one-to-one assignment. Since the left-hand side is expressed by a node, if it is, for instance, NODE_IASGN (an assignment to an instance variable), it assigns with rb_ivar_set(). So, what it is doing here is adjusting to either list and val which is shorter and doing one-to-one assignments. (Fig.9)

figure 9: assign when corresponded
figure 9: assign when corresponded

(B) if there are remainders on the right-hand side, turn them into a Ruby array and assign it into (the left-hand side expressed by) the node->nd_args.

==(C)== if there are remainders on the left-hand side, assign nil to all of them.

By the way, the procedure which is assuming pcall=0 then cutting out is very similar to the data flow analytics / constant foldings used on the optimization phase of compilers. Therefore, we can probably automate it to some extent.